Cookie Policy
While browsing on our website are automatically acquired some information, for statistical or information that could allow the identification of the user visitor.
Among this information are:
IP address.
the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the requested resources.
the time and date of the request.
The type of operating system, browser, screen resolution and other m technical information
These data are anonymous and are processed and archived information for purely statistical.
The site uses an analysis service of the navigation data provided by that uses “cookies”, or text files downloaded temporarily and automatically by the user to help you analyze data on the site.
The information generated by the cookie about your use of the sites are automatically captured and stored on the server.
The data is processed anonymously.
Other cookies are used in automatic form to provide services such as, but not limited to, the response to articles / writings, sending requests for assistance or information.
This information is also collected in an anonymous and aggregated and for statistical purposes only.
Cookies can be inhibited s at any time through the appropriate setting on the browser used for navigation: this could, however, prevent the use of some features of the site.